FRR/BGPd Internals

bgp instance structure

/* BGP instance structure.  */
struct bgp {
        as_t as;
        char *name, *name_pretty;
        enum bgp_instance_type inst_type;
        vrf_id_t vrf_id;

        struct peer *peer_self; /* Self peer.  */
        struct list *peer;      /* BGP peer. */
        struct hash *peerhash;
        struct list *group;     /* BGP peer group.  */
        int dynamic_neighbors_limit; /* The maximum number of BGP dynamic neighbors that can be created */
        int dynamic_neighbors_count; /* The current number of BGP dynamic neighbors */
        struct hash *update_groups[BGP_AF_MAX];

         * Global statistics for update groups.
        struct {
                uint32_t join_events;
                uint32_t prune_events;
                uint32_t merge_events;
                uint32_t split_events;
                uint32_t updgrp_switch_events;
                uint32_t peer_refreshes_combined;
                uint32_t adj_count;
                uint32_t merge_checks_triggered;

                uint32_t updgrps_created;
                uint32_t updgrps_deleted;
                uint32_t subgrps_created;
                uint32_t subgrps_deleted;
        } update_group_stats;

        uint16_t config; /* BGP configuration. BGP_CONFIG_XXX */
        struct in_addr router_id;        /* BGP router identifier */
        struct in_addr router_id_static; /* BGP router identifier */
        struct in_addr router_id_zebra;  /* BGP router identifier */
        struct in_addr cluster_id; /* BGP route reflector cluster ID.  */

        /* BGP confederation information.  */
        as_t confed_id;
        as_t *confed_peers;
        int confed_peers_cnt;

        struct thread *t_startup;          /* start-up timer on only once at the beginning */
        uint32_t v_maxmed_onstartup;       /* Duration of max-med on start-up */
        uint32_t maxmed_onstartup_value;   /* Max-med value when active on start-up */
        struct thread *t_maxmed_onstartup; /* non-null when max-med onstartup is on */
        uint8_t maxmed_onstartup_over;     /* Flag to make it effective only once */

        uint8_t v_maxmed_admin; /* 1/0 if max-med administrative is on/off */
        uint32_t maxmed_admin_value; /* Max-med value when administrative in on */
        uint8_t maxmed_active; /* 1/0 if max-med is active or not */
        uint32_t maxmed_value; /* Max-med value when its active */

        /* BGP update delay on startup */
        struct thread *t_update_delay;
        struct thread *t_establish_wait;
        uint8_t update_delay_over;
        uint8_t main_zebra_update_hold;
        uint8_t main_peers_update_hold;
        uint16_t v_update_delay;
        uint16_t v_establish_wait;
        char update_delay_begin_time[64];
        char update_delay_end_time[64];
        char update_delay_zebra_resume_time[64];
        char update_delay_peers_resume_time[64];
        uint32_t established;
        uint32_t restarted_peers;
        uint32_t implicit_eors;
        uint32_t explicit_eors;

        uint32_t flags;                                 /* BGP flags. BGP_FLAG_XXX */
        uint16_t af_flags[AFI_MAX][SAFI_MAX];           /* BGP Per AF flags */
        uint32_t af_peer_count[AFI_MAX][SAFI_MAX];      /* BGP per AF peer count */
        struct bgp_table *nexthop_cache_table[AFI_MAX]; /* Route table for next-hop lookup cache. */

        struct bgp_table *import_check_table[AFI_MAX]; /* Route table for import-check */
        struct bgp_table *connected_table[AFI_MAX];
        struct hash *address_hash;
        struct hash *tip_hash;

        struct bgp_table *route[AFI_MAX][SAFI_MAX]; /* Static route configuration.  */
        struct bgp_table *aggregate[AFI_MAX][SAFI_MAX]; /* Aggregate address configuration.  */
        struct bgp_table *rib[AFI_MAX][SAFI_MAX]; /* BGP routing information base.  */

        struct bgp_rmap table_map[AFI_MAX][SAFI_MAX]; /* BGP table route-map.  */
        struct list *redist[AFI_MAX][ZEBRA_ROUTE_MAX]; /* BGP redistribute configuration. */
        uint8_t allocate_mpls_labels[AFI_MAX][SAFI_MAX]; /* Allocate MPLS labels */

        /* Allocate hash entries to store policy routing information
         * The hash are used to host pbr rules somewhere. */
        struct hash *pbr_match_hash;
        struct hash *pbr_rule_hash;
        struct hash *pbr_action_hash;

        struct thread *t_rmap_def_originate_eval; /* timer to re-evaluate neighbor default-originate route-maps */

        uint8_t distance_ebgp[AFI_MAX][SAFI_MAX];
        uint8_t distance_ibgp[AFI_MAX][SAFI_MAX];
        uint8_t distance_local[AFI_MAX][SAFI_MAX];

        uint32_t default_local_pref; /* BGP default local-preference.  */
        uint32_t default_subgroup_pkt_queue_max; /* BGP default subgroup pkt queue max  */
        uint32_t default_holdtime;
        uint32_t default_keepalive;

        /* BGP graceful restart */
        uint32_t restart_time;
        uint32_t stalepath_time;

        /* Maximum-paths configuration */
        struct bgp_maxpaths_cfg {
                uint16_t maxpaths_ebgp;
                uint16_t maxpaths_ibgp;
                uint16_t ibgp_flags; /* BGP_FLAG_IBGP_XXX */
        } maxpaths[AFI_MAX][SAFI_MAX];

        _Atomic uint32_t wpkt_quanta; // max # packets to write per i/o cycle
        _Atomic uint32_t rpkt_quanta; // max # packets to read per i/o cycle

        bool heuristic_coalesce; /* Automatic coalesce adjust on/off */
        uint32_t coalesce_time;  /* Actual coalesce time */
        bool autoshutdown;       /* Auto-shutdown new peers */
        struct bgp_addpath_bgp_data tx_addpath;

         * EVPN related information is skipped at my wiki ...

        uint32_t vrf_flags;            /* vrf flags BGP_VRF_XXX */
        uint16_t vrf_rd_id;            /* unique ID for auto derivation of RD for this vrf */
        struct prefix_rd vrf_prd_auto; /* Automatically derived RD for this VRF */
        struct prefix_rd vrf_prd;      /* RD for this VRF */
        struct list *vrf_import_rtl; /* import rt list for the vrf instance */
        struct list *vrf_export_rtl; /* export rt list for the vrf instance */
        struct list *l2vnis; /* list of corresponding l2vnis (struct bgpevpn) */
        struct bgp_rmap adv_cmd_rmap[AFI_MAX][SAFI_MAX]; /* route map for advertise ipv4/ipv6 unicast (type-5 routes) */
        struct vpn_policy vpn_policy[AFI_MAX];
        struct bgp_pbr_config *bgp_pbr_cfg;
        struct hash *esihash; /* local esi hash table */
        uint32_t established_peers; /* Count of peers in established state */

bgp peer structure

struct peer { /* BGP neighbor structure. */

  pthread_mutex_t io_mtx;
  struct peer *doppelganger;
  unsigned char cur_event, last_event, last_major_event;
  uint16_t table_dump_index;

  /* afc is Address-Family-Configuration */
  uint8_t afc[AFI_MAX][SAFI_MAX];
  uint8_t afc_nego[AFI_MAX][SAFI_MAX];
  uint8_t afc_adv[AFI_MAX][SAFI_MAX];
  uint8_t afc_recv[AFI_MAX][SAFI_MAX];
  uint32_t cap;                       /* PEER_CAP_XXX */
  uint32_t af_cap[AFI_MAX][SAFI_MAX]; /* PEER_CAP_XXX */

  uint32_t flags_override, flags_invert, flags;
  char *tx_shutdown_message;
  uint8_t nsf[AFI_MAX][SAFI_MAX];
  uint32_t af_flags_override[AFI_MAX][SAFI_MAX];
  uint32_t af_flags_invert[AFI_MAX][SAFI_MAX];
  uint32_t af_flags[AFI_MAX][SAFI_MAX];
  enum bgp_addpath_strat addpath_type[AFI_MAX][SAFI_MAX];
  uint16_t sflags, af_sflags[AFI_MAX][SAFI_MAX]; /* Peer status flags. PEER_STATUS_XXX */

  uint32_t established, dropped;
  struct bgp_synchronize *sync[AFI_MAX][SAFI_MAX];
  unsigned long scount[AFI_MAX][SAFI_MAX]; /* Send prefix count. */
  struct bgp_filter filter[AFI_MAX][SAFI_MAX]; /* Filter structure. */
  uint8_t filter_override[AFI_MAX][SAFI_MAX][ (FILTER_MAX > RMAP_MAX) ? FILTER_MAX : RMAP_MAX ];
  struct prefix_list *orf_plist[AFI_MAX][SAFI_MAX]; /* ORF Prefix-list */
  unsigned long pcount[AFI_MAX][SAFI_MAX]; /* Prefix count. */

  /* Max prefix count. */
  unsigned long pmax[AFI_MAX][SAFI_MAX];
  uint8_t pmax_threshold[AFI_MAX][SAFI_MAX];
  uint16_t pmax_restart[AFI_MAX][SAFI_MAX];

  char allowas_in[AFI_MAX][SAFI_MAX]; /* allowas-in. */
  unsigned long weight[AFI_MAX][SAFI_MAX]; /* weight */

/* BGP MsgRcv */
#define PEER_TOTAL_RX(peer) \
      atomic_load_explicit(&peer->open_in       , memory_order_relaxed) \
    + atomic_load_explicit(&peer->update_in     , memory_order_relaxed) \
    + atomic_load_explicit(&peer->notify_in     , memory_order_relaxed) \
    + atomic_load_explicit(&peer->refresh_in    , memory_order_relaxed) \
    + atomic_load_explicit(&peer->keepalive_in  , memory_order_relaxed) \
    + atomic_load_explicit(&peer->dynamic_cap_in, memory_order_relaxed)

/* BGP MsgSnt */
#define PEER_TOTAL_TX(peer) \
      atomic_load_explicit(&peer->open_out       , memory_order_relaxed) \
    + atomic_load_explicit(&peer->update_out     , memory_order_relaxed) \
    + atomic_load_explicit(&peer->notify_out     , memory_order_relaxed) \
    + atomic_load_explicit(&peer->refresh_out    , memory_order_relaxed) \
    + atomic_load_explicit(&peer->keepalive_out  , memory_order_relaxed) \
    + atomic_load_explicit(&peer->dynamic_cap_out, memory_order_relaxed)

bgp path attribute structure

/* BGP core attribute structure. */
struct attr {
  struct aspath *aspath;       /* AS Path structure */
  struct community *community; /* Community structure */
  unsigned long refcnt;        /* Reference count of this attribute. */
  uint64_t flag;               /* Flag of attribute is set or not. */

  struct in_addr nexthop; /* Apart from in6_addr, the remaining static attributes */
  uint32_t med;
  uint32_t local_pref;
  ifindex_t nh_ifindex;

  uint8_t origin;              /* Path origin attribute */
  enum pta_type pmsi_tnl_type; /* PMSI tunnel type (RFC 6514). */
  uint32_t rmap_change_flags;

  struct in6_addr mp_nexthop_global; /* Multi-Protocol Nexthop, AFI IPv6 (global) */
  struct in6_addr mp_nexthop_local;  /* Multi-Protocol Nexthop, AFI IPv6 (local) */
  ifindex_t nh_lla_ifindex;          /* ifIndex corresponding to mp_nexthop_local. */

  struct ecommunity *ecommunity; /* Extended Communities attribute. */
  struct lcommunity *lcommunity; /* Large Communities attribute. */
  struct cluster_list *cluster;  /* Route-Reflector Cluster attribute */

  struct transit *transit; /* Unknown transitive attribute. */
  struct in_addr mp_nexthop_global_in;
  struct in_addr aggregator_addr; /* Aggregator Router ID attribute */
  struct in_addr originator_id;   /* Route Reflector Originator attribute */

  uint32_t weight;    /* Local weight, not actually an attribute */
  as_t aggregator_as; /* Aggregator ASN */

  uint8_t mp_nexthop_len;           /* MP Nexthop length */
  uint8_t mp_nexthop_prefer_global; /* MP Nexthop preference */

  uint8_t sticky;       /* Static MAC for EVPN */
  uint8_t default_gw;   /* Flag for default gateway extended community in EVPN */
  uint8_t router_flag;  /* NA router flag (R-bit) support in EVPN */
  route_tag_t tag;      /* route tag */
  uint32_t label_index; /* Label index */
  mpls_label_t label;   /* MPLS label */

  uint16_t encap_tunneltype;         /* grr */
  struct bgp_attr_encap_subtlv *encap_subtlvs; /* rfc5512 */
  struct bgp_route_evpn evpn_overlay; /* EVPN */
  uint32_t mm_seqnum; /* EVPN MAC Mobility sequence number, if any. */
  struct ethaddr rmac; /* EVPN local router-mac */
  uint8_t distance; /* Distance as applied by Route map */
  uint32_t rmap_table_id; /* rmap set table */

bgp vpn_policy structure

struct vpn_policy {
  struct bgp *bgp; /* parent */
  afi_t afi;
  struct ecommunity *rtlist[BGP_VPN_POLICY_DIR_MAX];
  struct ecommunity *import_redirect_rtlist;
  char *rmap_name[BGP_VPN_POLICY_DIR_MAX];
  struct route_map *rmap[BGP_VPN_POLICY_DIR_MAX];

  /* should be mpls_label_t? */
  uint32_t tovpn_label; /* may be MPLS_LABEL_NONE */
  uint32_t tovpn_zebra_vrf_label_last_sent;
  struct prefix_rd tovpn_rd;
  struct prefix tovpn_nexthop; /* unset => set to 0 */
  uint32_t flags;
#define BGP_VPN_POLICY_TOVPN_LABEL_AUTO        (1 << 0)
#define BGP_VPN_POLICY_TOVPN_RD_SET            (1 << 1)
#define BGP_VPN_POLICY_TOVPN_NEXTHOP_SET       (1 << 2)

   * If we are importing another vrf into us keep a list of
   * vrf names that are being imported into us.
  struct list *import_vrf;

   * if we are being exported to another vrf keep a list of
   * vrf names that we are being exported to.
  struct list *export_vrf;

bgp node information

struct bgp_node {
   * These fields must be the very first fields in this structure.
   * @see bgp_node_to_rnode
   * @see bgp_node_from_rnode

  struct bgp_adj_out_rb adj_out;
  struct bgp_adj_in *adj_in;
  struct bgp_node *prn;
  STAILQ_ENTRY(bgp_node) pq;
  uint64_t version;

  mpls_label_t local_label;

  uint8_t flags;
#define BGP_NODE_USER_CLEAR             (1 << 1)
#define BGP_NODE_LABEL_CHANGED          (1 << 2)

  struct bgp_addpath_node_data tx_addpath;

  enum bgp_path_selection_reason reason;

struct bgp_node

struct bgp_node {
   * These fields must be the very first fields in this structure.
   * @see bgp_node_to_rnode
   * @see bgp_node_from_rnode

  struct bgp_adj_out_rb adj_out;

  struct bgp_adj_in *adj_in;

  struct bgp_node *prn;

  STAILQ_ENTRY(bgp_node) pq;

  uint64_t version;

  mpls_label_t local_label;

  uint8_t flags;
#define BGP_NODE_USER_CLEAR             (1 << 1)
#define BGP_NODE_LABEL_CHANGED          (1 << 2)

  struct bgp_addpath_node_data tx_addpath;

   enum bgp_path_selection_reason reason;

struct bgp_path_info

struct bgp_path_info {
        /* For linked list. */
        struct bgp_path_info *next;
        struct bgp_path_info *prev;

        /* For nexthop linked list */
        LIST_ENTRY(bgp_path_info) nh_thread;

        /* Back pointer to the prefix node */
        struct bgp_node *net;

        /* Back pointer to the nexthop structure */
        struct bgp_nexthop_cache *nexthop;

        /* Peer structure.  */
        struct peer *peer;

        /* Attribute structure.  */
        struct attr *attr;

        /* Extra information */
        struct bgp_path_info_extra *extra;

        /* Multipath information */
        struct bgp_path_info_mpath *mpath;

        /* Uptime.  */
        time_t uptime;

        /* reference count */
        int lock;

        /* BGP information status.  */
        uint16_t flags;
#define BGP_PATH_IGP_CHANGED (1 << 0)
#define BGP_PATH_DAMPED (1 << 1)
#define BGP_PATH_HISTORY (1 << 2)
#define BGP_PATH_SELECTED (1 << 3)
#define BGP_PATH_VALID (1 << 4)
#define BGP_PATH_ATTR_CHANGED (1 << 5)
#define BGP_PATH_DMED_CHECK (1 << 6)
#define BGP_PATH_DMED_SELECTED (1 << 7)
#define BGP_PATH_STALE (1 << 8)
#define BGP_PATH_REMOVED (1 << 9)
#define BGP_PATH_COUNTED (1 << 10)
#define BGP_PATH_MULTIPATH (1 << 11)
#define BGP_PATH_MULTIPATH_CHG (1 << 12)
#define BGP_PATH_RIB_ATTR_CHG (1 << 13)
#define BGP_PATH_ANNC_NH_SELF (1 << 14)

        /* BGP route type.  This can be static, RIP, OSPF, BGP etc.  */
        uint8_t type;

        /* When above type is BGP.  This sub type specify BGP sub type
           information.  */
        uint8_t sub_type;
#define BGP_ROUTE_NORMAL       0
#define BGP_ROUTE_STATIC       1
# define BGP_ROUTE_RFP          4
#define BGP_ROUTE_IMPORTED     5        /* from another bgp instance/safi */

        unsigned short instance;

        /* Addpath identifiers */
        uint32_t addpath_rx_id;
        struct bgp_addpath_info_data tx_addpath;